Thursday, January 7, 2010

My mom told me to use olive oil for my ear?!?!?

WTF my ear stinks and every thing and my mom told me to use olive oil...ewwww does it really help??? i was like eww that olive oil and she got mad so i listen to her and she put some in my ear...ewww.... I AM SERIOUS!!1My mom told me to use olive oil for my ear?!?!?
Olive oil doesn't posess any healing or cleansing property. For your ears infections or cleansing the best and safest product is hydrogen peroxide found at any pharmacy. The oil could make the wax softer but eventually the residues of oil will keep catching dust from the air and you will end right at the beginning of the problem.My mom told me to use olive oil for my ear?!?!?
My mother used to make me use castor (? is that right? It was the ugly looking whie/grey stuff) oil in my ear when I was little.

It generally only made things worse and was disgusting. In someways the ear infection doesn't seem as bad as the prospect of the oil!
Oil soothes the ear canal. You could also find an oil mix that also has aromatherapy of eucalyptus etc at GNC or Natural food stores. It is sold near the ';ear candles';. Not gross really...better than a smelly ear. If you do use olive oil make sure it is fresh and extra virgin and not rancid.
Worked for me a couple of times.
worked for me when i had ear aches. Have a bit more of an open mind.
yes it works
yes olive oil
Olive oil and sweet oil are the same thing. Sweet oil is sold at the drug store as an ear ache remedy. I guess it works. It has been used for years.
wtf!! ....olive oil. dang thats messed up. q-tips work better.
Okay, if your ear stinks - its time to go to the doctor (unless it stinks because of the olive oil). If your ear hurts, and you can't go to the doctor, there's a couple of home remedies you can do. First, assume you have excess buildup of earwax. Get some ear candles - talk about FREAKY!!! but my kids just love them. At the same time you're getting the ear candles, get some mullein tincture (it will be sold in a little brown bottle and will contain mullein and probably olive or garlic oil. I know its yuck, but it works. hey - how bad does hurt? is it worth it?) After you complete the candle procedure, put a few drops of the oil, heated in your ear. It'll help. If it doesn't, go to the doctor. Seriously, you might have a problem that needs medical attention. Good luck sweety.
I use hydrogen peroxide. It feels funky cause you can feel the bubbles in your ear, but it breaks up the clog and you just tilt your head to dump any excess liquid
See an Ear Candling Expert.. she or he'll solve

the problem notice I said expert.. cause there are alot of Frauds. A Chiropractor usually knows of a Ear Candling Expert or a Herbolist

that knows of one!
wtf!!!!! If my ears would stink I would go to the doctor.
Well, your mom is on the right track. It sounds like you may have a buildup of earwax. Warm mineral oil or even warm olive oil can help loosen everything up, and get your ear feeling better. Another thing you may want to try is Hydrogen Peroxide. It can help loosen the gunk, and help clean any sore that could be present. Good luck.
olive oil otherwise known as sweet oil except if you buy it as sweet oil its 40 bucks a just plain old extra virgin olive oil IS the same.. you can also use tea tree oil or just hydrogen peroxide.. just dip the q-tip in some of it and clean your ears with kinda tickles though..
olive oil for what?
I heard you can put it in your hair but never heard of it for ear. She trying to cook you?
yes this dose work. A nurse told my husband to use olive oil in his ear to remove whatever was in there. It sounds like you have an infection if your ear smells. See a doctor for antibiotics,
Only some unthinking person would use Q tips in their ears. This is one of the easiest ways to compact wax further into the ear canal. There is a product on the market just for softening the wax so it can be washed out... Olive oil is an old time remedy but very effective.
the hydrogen peroxide idea sounds cool. what about plain isopropyl alcohol? or heinz white vinegar? if Q tips do not go in the ear canal, well, where do they go?? oil sounds gross. how the heck would you clean that? when oil gets old it gets sticky and gross
yep it will work make sure it is a little warm not hot
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