Friday, December 18, 2009

Can i use olive oil when baking a cake?

i don't have any veggie oil can i use olive oil or would it be gross?Can i use olive oil when baking a cake?
I certainly wouldn't use olive oil for baking a cake! It has too strong a flavor. I only use flavorless oils like canola for baking sweets. Taste a dab of your olive oil and you'll see what I mean...Can i use olive oil when baking a cake?
No. It's too heavy.
Dont be silly! It would taste rank. If really desperate use butter, but it still wont be as good.
Yes, what's wrong with olive oil? Its healthier
I tried this once when I was learning how to bake and I can answer this question with a resounding NO! (sorry I didn't mean to yell) but it was the worst thing I ever baked.

My little brother wouldn't even eat it! And that was after I locked him in the closet for three days with no food and held a gun to his head. KIDDING about the little brother part but the first paragraph is true you can take that to the bank. Olive oil is much too heavy and strong tasting.
Olive oil is fine, especially if choc cake

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